Midterm week is finally over (for me anyway) and now I can begin Fall break. I had midterms in three of six classes, so it could have been worse.
My first midterm was in American Wars and Peacemaking, my least favorite class, and I have to admit that I really hoped to fail the midterm so I would have an excuse to drop the class. Unfortunately, I didn't not try hard enough and I'm pretty sure I passed it. The first time I have ever been able to say that with disappointment....
My second midterm was in Contemporary French History. My adviser teaches that class and while I am sure I passed it I fear it was not an impressive exam. While I care very little for my American History class and thus do not mind doing poorly in it I feel the need to earn the approval of my adviser (despite not liking French History) especially now that he is going to invest time in me by sponsoring my thesis and offering to provide a thesis tutorial and even a pre-thesis tutorial. Hopefully I will be able to make up for it with my term paper at the end of the semester.
My third and last exam was Carolingian History. It was probably the hardest but hopefully I did okay. The professor for Carolingian is a young Oxford grad who gets very excited by Medieval history and sounds insanely British (despite being Irish? Maybe a product of going to Oxford) which makes what could be a dull course much more interesting. Overall it is the most enjoyable of my six classes, which actually isn't saying much because some of them are dreadful.
The best part is that I'm done and get a week off!