Thursday, August 14, 2008


These are my wonderful, if quirky, roommates. From right to left we have Hannah, me, Dane, and Sarah. Now Hannah and Sarah have shorter hair and Dane and I have been growing ours' out.

We are all international studies/political science majors. I'm focused on Germany/Europe with a double in history, Dane on China/Asia with a slash in political science and Sarah on Latin America with a slash in literature. Hannah is a political science major with a slash in German language and has taken at least one language from all three areas. Not shown in the picture are our friends Mary and Mitchell, who are majoring in anthropology and undecided, respectively.

After the immediate disappointment of not being roomed with militant lesbian, vegetarian, domestic terrorists, as I had been led to believe everyone at New College would be, I found that I couldn't have been more pleased with my rooming situation. Sarah, Dane (whose really name is Sarah) and I were put together first year because the rooming committee thought it was fun- Sarah, Sarah, and Shanna. We added Hannah last year, and no, it wasn't just because it is fun to say...

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!

I have discovered that Europe is inefficient. Normally I would feel bad about making such a blanket statement but I am feeling particularly unforgiving considering the hell that Aalborg University has been putting me through.

After a few months of not hearing from the university I e-mailed them to figure out what was wrong. Eventually they got back to me. It turns out the online application I filled out was not actually meant to be submitted online, it needs to be mail and faxed to Denmark. So I fill it out again and mail and fax it. Still no word from Aalborg. Apparently a page in the middle was never printed. I re-mail and fax the application. Still no information from the university. I e-mail them. My official transcripts aren't detailed enough, they need more information about my class. The information is sent.

Less than two weeks from the time I should be leaving for Denmark I send another e-mail wondering why I still haven't been given any information from Aalborg about housing, classes, arrival dates, visa documentation and so on. It turns out that the transcript information that was sent was what they were looking for it just wasn't sent to the right person. They didn't bother to get it to him or to tell me that it need to be e-mailed to him. And now, 10 days until I should be in Denmark, I do not know where I will be going to school.