We are all international studies/political science majors. I'm focused on Germany/Europe with a double in history, Dane on China/Asia with a slash in political science and Sarah on Latin America with a slash in literature. Hannah is a political science major with a slash in German language and has taken at least one language from all three areas. Not shown in the picture are our friends Mary and Mitchell, who are majoring in anthropology and undecided, respectively.
After the immediate disappointment of not being roomed with militant lesbian, vegetarian, domestic terrorists, as I had been led to believe everyone at New College would be, I found that I couldn't have been more pleased with my rooming situation. Sarah, Dane (whose really name is Sarah) and I were put together first year because the rooming committee thought it was fun- Sarah, Sarah, and Shanna. We added Hannah last year, and no, it wasn't just because it is fun to say...
Re: "From right to left ... ". I can't identify your roommates, but I'm pretty sure you are second from the left, not second from the right.
Great blog name!
Indeed you are correct, it should be "left to right"
Since Rollins is nitpicking, I will resist copyediting. Did you deliberately pick my week away to start your blog? And do you have any personal connection to 'Vegan Lunch Box'? (Which, I'm not sure if you've realized this, is not an ironic and/or humorous name, she really is talking about vegan lunches.)
(my right hand is raised)
So, um, you want to come up here and take community classes and sleep on a toddler bed this fall? We'll cook for you. (Vegetarian ovo-lacto. Since I'm not lactose intolerant, I'm now intolerant of resisting lactose.) (see above)
I'm terribly sorry that I didn't check your schedule before I started my blog. And I'm starting to wonder if now I'm going to be graded on my blogging abilities...
I'm not sure what you mean by "personal connection" to Vegan Lunch Box. I don't know the author personally but I read her blog when she posts. I think they are fun even if I will never actually recreate any of it.
I'm not sure a toddler bed is any less appealing than the beds at NCF.
I was curious as to whether you knew the author personally. Is all.
Grades? We get grades? Cool.
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